Gemma Gorga


Sharon Dolin


Llibre dels minuts, 1.

SÈIEM al voltant de la taula. De vegades, érem tretze a compartir
aquella llum que se’ns trencava entre els dits, prima com pa àzim.
De vegades, érem només dos, possiblement tu i jo, o només les
nostres ombres que tenien gana. De vegades, seia una sola persona
i amb els dits temptejava la fusta, com qui busca el plat tebi on
escumeja la claror.
Fins que un dia vam saber de la mort gairebé per atzar, com si es
tractés d’un joc: cada vespre quedaven menys cadires disposades al
voltant d’aquella taula. Cansats i envellits, però, encara corríem per
assegurar-nos un seient, per arrabassar-li a la vida l’últim rosegó de

© Gemma Gorga
Из: Llibre dels minuts
Barcelona: Columna, 2006
Аудиопроизводство: Institut Ramon Llull


We sat around the table. Sometimes there were thirteen of
us sharing the light breaking through our fingers, as thin as
unleavened bread. Sometimes we were only two, possibly
you and I, or just our hungry shadows. Sometimes a single
person sat with fingers probing the wood, like someone
seeking the warm bowl of foaming light.
Until one day we found out about death, almost by chance,
as if it were a game: every evening there were fewer chairs
arranged around that table. No matter how tired and old, we
still ran to make sure of a seat, to seize from life the last
morsel of light.

Translated by Sharon Dolin. Gemma Gorga, Book of Minutes, Oberlin College Press, 2018.