Miloš Đurđević


Miloš Đurđević


Morse, gluhi prijatelju [golema je glad...]

golema je glad (za čime?) u toj praznini, pregrade se uvijaju (približavaju
li se? razmiču?), stanjuju i naglo nestanu jedna u drugoj, jedna iza druge,
jedna ispred druge: ima li jezik i hoće li ga itko dotaknuti ne odnosi se na
strujanje zraka, vode, svjetla, koje ponire (izlazi?) da bi se pojavilo
(kada?) odmah iza nas, tu gdje smo namjeravali zastati i nikome ne reći

© Miloš Đurđević
Из: Umbrijska sunčanica i druge pjesme
Zagreb: Meandar, 2010
Аудиопроизводство: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011

Morse, My Deaf Friend [enormous is the craving...]

enormous is the craving (for what?) in that emptiness, screens are

twisting in (are they coming closer? coming apart?), thinning and

suddenly disappearing into each other, behind each other, in front of

each other: does it have a tongue, and will it be touched by someone

has nothing to do with the flow of the air, water, light, it goes down

(springs out?) only to turn up (when?) just behind us, here where we

planned to stop and tell nothing to nobody

Translated by the author