Lawrence Ferlinghetti


Klaus Berr


Pictures of the gone world 11

The world is a beautiful place
                                                    to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
                                            not always being
                                                                       so very much fun
       if you don't mind a touch of hell
                                                       now and then
                 just when everything is fine
                                                             because even in heaven
                                  they don't sing
                                                        all the time

             The world is a beautiful place
                                                          to be born into
      if you don't mind some people dying
                                                                 all the time
                         or maybe only starving
                                                             some of the time
                   which isn't half so bad                                  
                                                      if it isn't you

     Oh the world is a beautiful place
                                                         to be born into
               if you don't much mind
                                                    a few dead minds
                            in the higher places
                                                           or a bomb or two
                                  now and then
                                                       in your upturned faces
                or such other improprieties
                                                          as our Name Brand society
                                          is prey to
                                                        with its men of distinction
                      and its men of extinction
                                                            and its priests
                                  and other patrolmen
                                                                  and its various segregations
                  and congressional investigations
                                                                      and other constipations
                                that our fool flesh
                                                               is heir to

   Yes the world is the best place of all
                                                             for a lot of such things as
         making the fun scene
                                              and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
                                     and singing low songs and having inspirations
     and walking around
                                    looking at everything
                                                                     and smelling flowers
     and goosing statues
                                    and even thinking
                                                                and kissing people and
          making babies and wearing pants
                                                             and waving hats and
                                                    and going swimming in rivers
                               on picnics
                                       in the middle of the summer
            and just generally
                                         'living it up'

      but then right in the middle of it
                                                       comes the smiling


© L.F.
Из: Pictures of the Gone World
San Francisco: City Lights, 1955
Аудиопроизводство: 2004 M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Pictures of the gone world 11

Die Welt ist ein wunderschöner Ort
                                                                        um dort zu leben
wenn man nichts dagegen hat daß Glück
                                                                 nicht immer so arg
                                                                                            viel Spaß macht
          wenn man nichts hat gegen ein bißchen Hölle
                                                                             hin und wieder
               gerade wenn alles gut ist
                                                       weil man auch im Himmel
                               nicht die ganze Zeit

                 Die Welt ist ein wunderschöner Ort
                                                                          um dort zu leben
             wenn man nichts dagegen hat daß die Leute
                                                                                   die ganze Zeit sterben
                               oder vielleicht nur verhungern
                                                                                zu mancher Zeit
                         was nicht gar so schlimm ist
                                                                       wenn man es nicht selber ist

             Ach die Welt ist ein wunderschöner Ort
                                                                             um dort zu leben
                        wenn man nicht allzuviel hat gegen
                                                                                 ein paar tote Hirne
                                an höheren Stellen
                                                              oder eine Bombe oder zwei
                                        hin und wieder
                                                               ins erhobene Gesicht
      oder solch andere Ungehörigkeiten
                                                  denen unsere Namenmarkengesellschaft
                                                mit ihren Männern des Lobes
           und ihren Männern des Todes
                                                          und ihren Priestern
                    und anderen Patrouillen
                                                    und ihren verschiedenen Segregationen
       und Kongreß-Investigationen
                                                      und anderen Konstipationen
                    die unser Narrenfleisch

  Ja die Welt ist der beste Ort von allen
                                                              für eine Menge Dinge wie
        die Spaßszene machen
                                                   und die Liebesszene machen
und die Trauerszene machen
                                          und leise Lieder singen und Einfälle haben
           und herumgehen
                                     alles anschauen
                                                              und Blumen riechen
           und Statuen pieksen
                                            und sogar denken
                                                                         und Leute küssen und
               Babys machen und Hosen tragen
                                                                    und Hüte schwenken und
                                                          und schwimmen gehen in Flüssen
                                  beim Picknick
                                                   mitten im Sommer
                 und ganz allgemein
                                                »sich ausleben«
     aber dann genau mittendrin
                                              kommt der lächelnde


Aus dem Amerikanischen von Klaus Berr

In: L.F.: A Coney Island of the Mind. A Far Rockaway of the Heart. Gedichte. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Klaus Berr. München: Sammlung Luchterhand 2005.