Adrian Grima


Antoine Cassar


Ħofor Suwed

Mara li taqra x-xorti,
għidli jekk hemmx biżżejjed riżq fil-pala t’idi.
Għax jekk m’hemmx,
naqleb il-mejda bik b’kollox,
u naqbad l-ewwel ajruplan lejn il-ħofor suwed
li ma jinħbewx wara l-ħżuż ta’ jdejna.

Аудиопроизводство: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2010

Black Holes

Dear fortune-teller,
tell me if there is enough fortune
in the palm of my hand.
For if there is not,
as were not found in the palms
of my companions,
I'll overturn the table, you and all,
and catch the first plane towards the black holes
which are not concealed in the palms of our hands.

Translated by Antoine Cassar