Sònia Moll 




Un lloc каталанский

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Aniversari каталанский

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Invisibilitats каталанский

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Paraules (II) каталанский

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Alzheimer каталанский

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I no va quedar res de mi каталанский

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Residència per a la gent gran каталанский

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Sònia Moll 

Foto © Victor Serri
* 1974, Barcelona, Испания
Место жительства: Barcelona, Испания

Sònia Moll Gamboa (b. 1974) is a poet and teacher of adults. She has co-created the musical poetry performances Carta Blanca (with pianist Calra Peya), Rere l’esquerda (with singer-songwriter and novelist Alessio Arena) and Gàbies (with singer Lidia Uve). She has published two books of poems (Non si male nunc, Sant Celoni Award 2007, Viena Edicions), and I Déu en algun lloc (Cafè Central/Eumo, published in a bilingual Spanish/Catalan edition by Godall Edicions) and one of poetic fiction (Creixen malgrat tot les tulipes, Benissa Award 2012, Viena Edicions). Her latest book, Beneïda sigui la serp (Godall Edicions, 2018), is a collection of 44 articles published in La Directa. 

 Foto © Victor Serri