Sasja Janssen 




Wilde vinex голландский

Переводы: de en

to poem

Manier om een hand te begraven голландский

Переводы: de en

to poem

Sasja Janssen 

Foto © private
* 06.05.1968, Venlo, Нидерланды
Место жительства: Amsterdam, Нидерланды

Sasja Janssen is a poet and author of novels and short stories. After the success of her collections Ik trek mijn species aan (Putting On My Species, 2014, nominated for the VSB Poetry Prize) and Happy (2017), she is now causing a stir with Virgula (2021), for which she received the Awater Poetry Prize and has received nominations for the Ida Gerhardt Poetry Prize and this year's Herman de Coninck Prize and De Grote Poëzieprijs (Grand Poetry Prize) for best poetry collection of the year. This collection strikes an impressive balance between mystery and razor-sharp intent, with Janssen’s use of the comma (virgula in Latin) constantly causing shifts and contrasts in perspective. The boldness of this small intervention turns a little glitch into the tissue that connects interpretation and confusion; a tiny stumble in the ceaseless flow of life.

 Foto © private