Olinda Beja 




Dádiva португальский

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Eis-me aqui португальский

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Santomensidão португальский

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Âncoras португальский

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Balada португальский

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Paisagem португальский

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Solidão португальский

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Ilha португальский

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Olinda Beja 

Foto © gezett.de
* 12.02.1946, Guadalupe, Сан-Томе и Принсипи
Место жительства: Lausanne, Швейцария

Olinda Beja (born 1946 in São Tomé and Príncipe) moved to Portugal at an early age to study Linguistics and Modern Literature.

Her poems deal with all facets of human relationships, including romantic transformation, beauty, yearning, living together, hurt, mourning and sex. Since 2002, Beja has been a fellow of the C. Nacional de Cultura/I.P.L.B. and an advisor on cultural matters to her homeland's Embassy in Portugal.

Her poems have appeared in national and international magazines, in French and Portuguese schoolbooks and in various anthologies. Beja currently lives in Lausanne, Switzerland where she works as a teacher of Portuguese language and culture.

 Foto © gezett.de