Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula  (علاء الدين عبد المولى)




[بعد أن أشرف بنفسه على صناعة تابوته،] арабский

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[أنْ تتألّمي أمام شجرة،] арабский

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[لم أقل مرةً إنني سأكتب قصيدة عنكِ، إلا وضيّعتُ الفرق ما بين يدي وغصن الشجرة.] арабский

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[لبسنا ظلالنا ووقفنا أمام المصوّرِ العجوز.] арабский

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[تزوّجَ جلاّدٌ جلاّدةً، فأنجبا أقفاصاً لطيور أولادِ الجيران.] арабский

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[لو لم أكن سوريّاً لأزاحت السماء تابوتها عن كاهلي رتبةً.] арабский

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Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula  علاء الدين عبد المولى

Foto © Rolf Zoellner
* 28.05.1965, Homs, Сирийская Арабская Республика
Место жительства: Hannover-Linden, Германия

Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula, born 1965 in Homs, published literary texts since 1983. He is a member of the Syrian Arab Writers' Association and was Director of Museums and Antiquities in Homs from 1991 to 1996. His literary texts are represented in important anthologies of contemporary Arabic poetry and he has been a guest at various literature festivals.
He has published his first critical poems and prose texts in the early 1980s. Since then he has been repeatedly threatened and persecuted for his publications. Contacts with dissidents, such as the Syrian writer Faraj Bayrakdar, who was a guest author in the ICORN member city Stockholm, gave the security authorities cause for interrogation and censorship. Mohamad Alaaedin Abdul Moula has been living as a Hannah Arendt Scholar in Hanover since the end of 2015. Previously, he was a guest at Casa Refugio, Mexico City.

 Foto © Rolf Zoellner