Mireia Calafell 




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to poem

Mireia Calafell 

Foto © Marta Huerta
* 23.06.1980, Barcelona, Испания

Mireia Calafell (Barcelona, 1980) is the author of Poètiques del cos (2006), Costures (2009) and Tantes mudes (2014). For her works, she has received many poetry prizes. In 2015, she was awarded the Lletra d’Or for the best book published in Catalan for Tantes mudes, which has recently been translated into Spanish (Stendhal Books, 2016).

Her poetry has been included in anthologies published in Argentina, Brazil, Holand, UK, the United Arab Emirates and Spain. She has participated into several international poetry festivals in Luxembourg, Buenos Aires, Pontevedra, Toronto, and she has been invited in to Italy, China and Finland among other countries.

 Foto © Marta Huerta

Calafell also works for Artsmoved, where she is involved in the development of cultural and educational projects as well as studies into cultural politics. She has had several articles published in cultural studies research journals. In 2016, became the co-director of the i + Poetry festival and in 2018, the co-director of Barcelona Poesia festival.