Jamila Medina Ríos 




Hermosas patologías de cuello испанский

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to poem

(1893–1921) испанский

Переводы: de

to poem

(1932–1963): Todesarten/Formas de morir испанский

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to poem

Guanajay-Ciénaga-Matanzas испанский

Nana I испанский

Переводы: it

to poem

May queen испанский

Yocasta/Fedra испанский

Ifigenia/Políxena/Casandra испанский

(1838-1857) испанский

(1893-1919) испанский

Jamila Medina Ríos 

Foto © Carsten Meltendorf
* 04.09.1981, Holguín, Куба
Место жительства: Providence, Rhode Island, США

Jamila Medina Ríos was born in 1981 in Holguín, Cuba. She received her master's degree in Linguistics from the University of Havana, with a study of revolutionary rhetoric in the work of Nara Mansur. She writes poetry, prose, essays, is co-director of Candela Review and works as an editor for the Cuban-centric online magazine Rialta in Mexiko.

 Foto © Carsten Meltendorf
She has published the poetry collections Huecos de araña (2009), Primaveras cortadas (2011), Del corazón de la col y otras mentiras (2013), Anémona (2013), País de la siguaraya (2017) among others. As an important voice of the so-called generación cero, disillusioned by the revolution, she has also been responsible for the anthologies Traffic Jam (2015), Para volar un papalote (2015) und JamSession (2017) verantwortet.

She also published the story collections Ratas en la alta noche (2011) and Escritos en servilletas de papel (2011) as well as the essayistic volume Diseminaciones de Calvert Casey (2012) about the American-Cuban poet Calvert Cassey, for which Jamila Medina Ríos was awarded the highly prestigious Premio Carpentier in 2012.

In 2021, she moved to Providence, Rhode Island, USA, where she began her doctoral research at Brown University on Mambí ideology in Cuban art and literature.

She is a swimmer, philologist, cyclist, traveling kite flyer, although she would rather be a skydiver, surfer or speleologist.