Igor Pomerantsev  (Игорь Померанцев)




[ Почему стрекозы?] русский

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to poem

[А было время, помнишь, на перрон] русский

Переводы: uk

to poem

[Я пошутил: представь себе, сказал] русский

Переводы: en uk

to poem

Igor Pomerantsev  Игорь Померанцев

* 11.01.1948, Saratov, Россия
Место жительства: Prague, Чешская республика

The poet, writer and radio journalist Igor Pomerantsev (Игорь Померанцев) was born in 1948 in Saratov in the USSR and grew up in Chernivtsi in the Ukrainian SSR. He studied English Philology and Pedagogy at the University of Chernivtsi and worked as a teacher in a village in the Carpathians and at the Kyiv Patent Office.

In 1972, his first poetry publications appeared in the Moscow journal "Smena". He had contacts with the Ukrainian Civil Rights Movement and was arrested by the KGB in 1976 and accused of owning and distributing anti-Soviet literature, listening to foreign "enemy stations" and maintaining "contacts with foreigners". He was advised to emigrate and left the country in 1978 with his wife and child, initially for West Germany. A year later he went to London and began his broadcasting career with the BBC's Russian Service. He later worked for the Russian Service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a US Congress-funded station that broadcasts in countries where freedom of press is restricted or non-existent. In 1987, Pomerantsev moved to Munich, where he continued to work as a producer for Radio Liberty. Furthermore, he was an employee at radio „Svoboda“ (Свобода) for many years.

The decades of working at the radio influenced Pomerantsev's writing, in which disparate fragments often come together to form something new. He has published over 10 books in Russia and Ukraine. Translations of his texts have appeared in magazines in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary and the USA, among others. He was the brainchild of the Meridian Czernowitz literary festival and founded the Metaphora Literature Prize together with Diana Klochko in 2012.

Igor Pomerantsev is a wine lover, writes wine reviews and has lived in Prague since 1995.

  • Альбы и серенады


    [Aubades and Serenades]

    London : Russian Roulette Press, 1985

  • Стихи разных дней

    [Poems of Various Days]

    St. Petersburg: Советский писатель., 1993

  • По шкале Бофорта


    [The Beaufort Scale]

    St. Petersburg: Urbi Publishing House, 1997

  • News

    poems, prose

    Київ: Факт, 1998

  • Почему стрекозы?

    St. Petersburg: Изд. ж-ла «Звезда», 1999

  • Красное сухое

    [Red Dry]

    M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2000

  • Family Status

    M.: O.G.I., 2002

  • Радио «С»

    Книга радиосюжетов

    [Radio S]

    M.: МК-Периодика, 2002

  • Те, кто держали нас за руку, умерли

    selected poems

    M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2005

  • Служебная Лирика

    Radio Lyrics

    M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2007

  • КҐБ та інші…

    Переклад з російської: Іван Андрусяк (поезія), Діана Клочко (сучасні рефлексії)

    Київ: Грані-Т, 2009

  • КГБ и другие стихи

    [KGB and other poems]

    М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2010

  • Винные лавки

    [The Vine Cellars]

    Chernivtsi: Meridian Czernowitz, 2010

  • Винарні

    The Vine Cellars

    Переклад з російської: О. Бойченко, Діана Клочко, Е. Соловей

    Chernivtsi: Meridian Czernowitz, 2011

  • Czernowitz Черновцы Чернівці

    Chernivtsi: Meridian Czernowitz, 2012

  • Homo eroticus

    Переклад з російської: О. Бойченко, Діана Клочко

    Київ: Дух і літера, 2013

  • Вільний простір

    радіощоденник письменника

    Переклад з російської і упорядник: Діана Клочко

    Львів: Видавництво Українського католицького університету, 2014

  • Смерть в лучшем смысле этого слова

    Ozolnieki: Literature Without Borders, 2015

  • Czernowitz, Erinnerungen eines Ertrunkenen

    Wien: Verlag Der Konterfei, 2017

  • Вы меня слышите?


    Can you hear me?

    Chernivtsi: Meridian Czernowitz, 2018

  • Náš čas vypršel

    básně vybrala, uspořádala a přeložila Jana Kitzlerová

    Ostrava: Protimluv, 2020

  • 1996 P.A.Viazemskij Prize-winner (Niznij Novgorod)

  • 2006 Literary Magazine "October" Prize-winner (Moscow)

  • 2011 International Radio Festival Prize-winner (Tallinn)

  • 2013 Tsarkoselskaya Khudozhestennaya Premiya (Petersburg)
