Ali Al Jallawi  ( علي الجلاوي)




حداد في برلين арабский

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يفرك ظهرنا شجر арабский

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كقهوة أمكَ نرجس арабский

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رسالة إلى قريش арабский

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Ali Al Jallawi  علي الجلاوي

Foto © private
* 16.04.1975, Manama, Бахрейн
Место жительства: Berlin, Германия

Ali Al Jallawi

, contemporary Bahraini poet, was born in Manama in 1975. Ali Al Jallawi began writing poetry at the age of fourteen. His early work was characterised by revolutionary and political ideas, and he was arrested at the age of seventeen because of a poem in which he criticised the political regime in Bahrain. He was arrested again in 1995 and imprisoned until 1998.

During his time in prison Al Jallawi read widely and educated himself on many subjects. His rigid religious and political stance changed into a passion for ideas and intellectual openness, although he remains committed to achieving a just political system in Bahrain. More recently his poetry has dealt with philosophical and human-oriented subjects.

 Foto © private
At the moment Ali Al Jallawi has a residency in Weimar (Germany). As well as writing poetry, before in Manama, he had run a research centre dedicated to writing about Bahrain’s minorities and communities ignored by ‘official’ histories.