Cançó de passar cantant

Si ve l’abril tremolant
i el ventet que no reposa
i el perfum de Dijous Sant,
noia, no cullis la rosa:
passa cantant.

Si les trampes van picant,
si treuen vestits de festa
la geganta i el gegant,
noia, no llencis ginesta:
passa cantant.

Si la gent, ploriquejant,
camina amb la vista baixa,
si va la creu endavant,
noia, no guaitis la caixa:
passa cantant.

Si la nit de Sant Joan
Amb el riure no t’esveres,
Si t’hi volen al voltant,
noia, deixa’t de fogueres:
passa cantant.

Si t’escomet un galant,
tot tendresa, tot deliris,
defallint i sospirant,
no l’escoltis ni te’l miris:
passa cantant.

Si una vella xiuxejant
t’augura una mala estrella
i et diu que se’t marciran
aquests aires de poncella
i aquesta galta tan bella
no durarà ni un instant,
noia, riu-te’n de la vella:
passa cantant!

© Josep Maria de Sagarra
Produção de áudio: Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Song to pass, by singing

If April comes shivering,
and the breeze that does not cease,
and the perfume of Maundy Thursday,
girl, do not pluck the rose:
pass by, singing.

If the drums are beating,
if they wear festive dresses,
the giantess and the giant,
girl, do not throw broom flowers:
pass by, singing.

If people, whining,
walk with downcast eyes,
if the cross goes ahead,
girl, do not look at the coffin:
pass by, singing.

If a gallant man makes advances,
all tenderness, all ravings,
faltering and sighing,
do not listen nor look at him:
pass by, singing.

If an old maid, in a whisper,
predicts bad fortune to you,
and tells you that they will wither
these maiden looks,
and that these cheeks so beautiful,
will not last for a moment,
girl, laugh at the old woman:
pass by, singing!

Translated by Salvador Pila