Anna Crowe



carregues un pot de pintura
hi enfonses la brotxa
alces el braç l’estens fins a la paret
deixes el pot a terra tens feina
just abans del teu gest on ara hi ha un ocre
hi tenies la calota
i encara et preguntes si les parets existeixen
i qui les aixeca

© Teresa Colom
Extraído de: La meva mare es preguntava per la mort
Lleida: Pagès, 2012
Produção de áudio: Catalunya Ràdio


you are carrying a pot of paint
you dip the big brush in it
you raise your arm and stretch out to the wall
you put the pot on the ground you have a job to do
just before this movement where there is now ochre
is where the crown of your head was
and you’re still asking yourself if walls exist
and who puts them up. 


Translated by Anna Crowe.