Caparica - The People’s beach

Praça do Comércio’s green equestrian statue and ochre-yellow walls bob
behind us as we, in the ferry, are crossing the shaken light,
having ahead of us the bus ride, up past the limestone cliffs
of the high-rise estates and the blockhouses of the Cape Verdeans
who’re seen in their headscarves and skirts hoeing the small maize fields
and the bare ridge from which we will descend towards the holiday apartments
to the long quiet beach where the shacks are shrunken wood mansions,
where the beautiful play soccer or stretch out tanning
instead of staring far into the haze awaiting the return of King Sebastião.
Now that vigil is reserved for the foreigner in us,
for he who would happily and endlessly ride a commuter ferry.

© John Mateer & Publisher
Produção de áudio: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2010

Caparica – Ljudska plaža

Zelen kip konjenika na Praça do Comércio in okrasti zidovi valujejo
za nama, ko v trajektu prečkava tresočo svetlobo,
pred nama je vožnja z avtobusom, gor mimo apnenčastih pečin
z visoko ležečimi posestmi in utrdbami prebivalcev Zelenortskih otokov,
vidiva postave v naglavnih rutah in krilih, ki prekopavajo majhna koruzna polja,
in gol greben, s katerega se spuščava proti počitniškim apartmajem
k dolgi tihi plaži, kjer so kolibe pomanjšani leseni dvorci,
kjer lepi igrajo nogomet ali se pretegujejo med sončenjem,
namesto da bi strmeli daleč proti meglici in čakali na vrnitev Kralja Sebastiãa.
Vendar je ta vigilija namenjena samo tujcu v nas,
tistemu, ki bi ga veselila neskončna vožnja s trajektom za dnevne migrante.

Prevedla Andreja Stajnko