XI Chuan





满街的胡琴啊  满街的唱。
满街的小买卖  大喇喇的天。
满街的闺女  都叫翠兰。
满街的大妈  热情的脸。

满街的好人  这不是天堂。
做坏人到头来  必孤单。
信神的头顶着  白帽子。
不信神的也一溜  端着饭碗。

满城的小鸟  想吃羊肉。
三万只绵羊  往城里赶。
看得毛驴大叔们  出冷汗。
一泡泡驴尿  尿街边。

所以随地小便的  是驴下的,
就像缺心眼儿的  全是马养的。
那坑人害人的  如何比?
定是骡子群里  长大的。

手抓手的男女  是褪了色的。
喝酒骂人  是祖传的。
奥迪A6  是奔汉朝的。
刚出厂的旧三轮  是电动的。

亮花花的太阳光  急刹刹的雨,
沙葱韭菜  可劲地绿。
一根筋的黄河  它不回头。
你小子开心  就扒开嗓子吼。

你小子不开心  也扒开嗓子吼。
当知有命无心  不忧愁。
忽然满城的麻将  全开打。
满街的下一代  玩不够。

© XI Chuan
Produção de áudio: Haus für Poesie, 2019

Travels in Xichuan Province

Everywhere the erhu all about the street  oh the whole street singing.

Everywhere the peddlers all about the street  the great big sky.

Everywhere the daughters all about the street  each one named Jade Orchid.

Everywhere the aunties all about the street  all with eager faces.

Everywhere good people all about the street  but this isn’t heaven.

Each and every bad man  always ends up lonely.

On each head of each believer  a little white cap.

The nonbelievers sneak off too  with their bowls in hand.

Everywhere little birds all about the city  hungering for mutton.

Thirty thousand lambs and lambs  stampeding to the city.

When the donkeys see it  they break out in cold sweat.

Streams of donkey piss  trickling down the street.

So if you pee in public  you descend from donkeys,

Just like if you are insolent  you were raised by horses.

But the deceitful and the harmful  what about them?

I say they must have grown up  in a pack of mules.

Boys and girls hold hands  they’re wearing faded colors.

The drinking and the swearing  are ancestral tradition.

Each and every Audi A6  is driving to the Han Dynasty.

Newly produced old tricycles  come with electric motors.

All the dazzling sunlight  all the driving rain,

Chives and sandy scallion  all a vigorous green.

The pigheaded Yellow River  never looks back.

If you’re feeling happy kid  then open your mouth and howl.

Open your mouth and howl kid  if you aren’t happy.

You won’t be depressed kid  living without a heart.

Mahjong games throughout the city  suddenly break out.

The next generation on the street  can never get enough.

                                                                                 August 19, 2014