
烧饼烧着了  我停在火上
白云蒸腾  夏天已经过去一半

我停在火里  看蚂蚁散步
一个女人 来自西方
看着我发呆  她不爱任何人


包括火  这让我难受

© YAN Jun
Produção de áudio: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, 2012

August 19th

The sesame cakes are burning       I pause on top of the fire
white clouds steam up       half the summer has already passed

I pause in the fire       watching the ants stroll by
A woman       from the West
stares at me       she loves no one

I pause where the fire has burnt out
like a motionless rag

I eat the entire kitchen
including the fire       it makes me uneasy

© translated by Ao Wang and Eleanor Goodman
first published on Poetry International Web 2011