Pere Quart 




Conill catalão

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Porc catalão

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to poem

Les decapitacions: V catalão

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to poem

El guany catalão

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Lai catalão

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to poem

Ja és hora que se sàpiga catalão

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Les soledats catalão

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to poem

Espero, sospito, temo, voldria… catalão

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to poem

Un ase considera un globus terraqüi catalão

Traduções : es

to poem

Pere Quart 

Foto © private
* 29.11.1899, Sabadell, Espanha
18.06.1986, Barcelona, Espanha

Joan Oliver (Sabadell, 1899-Barcelona, 1986), better known as Pere Quart, the name with which he signed his poems, was a poet, playwright, narrator, translator and journalist.

Oliver is regarded as one of the five most important Catalan poets of the 20th century and wrote poetry that has been seen as the most original of all. His first anthology, Les decapitacions (1934, The Beheadings), anticipates his later work: agile, focusing on incidents and drawn by realism, a reflection of the traumatic experience of the Spanish Civil War and exile, and with a despairing and sceptical vision of the world. He was born into a bourgeois family of industrialists and, together with Francesc Trabal and Armand Obiols, he founded the Sabadell Group. He remained a writer with a style marked by irony that attacked conventions. El misantrop, his translation of Molière’s play The Misanthrope, was awarded the President of the French Republic Prize in the 1950s. He was awarded the Honorary Prize for Catalan Letters in the 1970s and in the 80s received the City of Barcelona Prize, the Josep Maria de Sagarra Prize for Translation and the Government of Catalonia Prize for Poetry. However, in keeping with his nonconformism and his critical stance, he turned down the Sant Jordi Cross.

 Foto © private
  • Les decapitacions

    Sabadell: Contraban, 1934

  • Oda a Barcelona

    Barcelona: Comissariat de Propaganda, 1936

  • Bestiari

    Barcelona: Departament de Cultura, 1937

  • Saló de tardor

    Santiago de Xile: El Pi de les Tres Branques: 1947

  • Poesia de Pere Quart

    Barcelona: Aymà, 1949

  • Terra de naufragis

    Barcelona: Proa, 1956

  • Vacances pagades

    València: Diputació de València, 1961

  • Dotze aiguaforts i un autoretrat de Josep Granyer

    Barcelona: Monografies de la Rosa Vera: 1962

  • Obra de Pere Quart

    Barcelona: Fontanella, 1963

  • Circumstàncies

    Barcelona: Proa, 1968

  • Quatre mil mots

    Barcelona: Proa, 1977

  • Poesia empírica

    Barcelona: Proa, 1981

  • Antologia

    Barcelona: Proa, 1982

  • Poemes escollits

    Barcelona: Edicions 62 / La Caixa, 1983

  • Refugi de versos

    Barcelona: Proa, 1987

  • Els millors poemes

    Barcelona: Columna, 1998

  • Pingüí (poesia infantil i juvenil)

    Barcelona: Cruïlla, 2004

  • 1936 Joaquim Folguerola - Bestiari

  • 1955 Óssa Menor - Terra de naufragis

  • 1957 Guimerà (Mèxic) - Terra de naufragis

  • 1959 Ausiàs March (Gandia) - Vacances pagades

  • 1960 Martí Peydró - Temps, records

  • 1962 Lletra d Or - Vacances pagades

  • 1970 Premi d Honor de les Lletres Catalanes

  • 1980 Premi Ciutat de Barcelona

  • 1980 Medalla de la Ciutat de Sabadell

  • 1981 Literatura Catalana de la Generalitat de Catalunya de poesia - Poesia empírica