



V BESEDO sem bil rojen. esloveno

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[SLIKE dneva] esloveno

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to poem

[SKRIVLJENI kazalci ure] esloveno

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to poem

[V NE še končanem dnevu] esloveno

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to poem

[ZA ČASOM razpada strah] esloveno

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to poem

[V TVOJEM obrazu] esloveno

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to poem

[MOJA še ne odrešena beseda] esloveno

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to poem

[S TELESNEGA roba] esloveno

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to poem

[V DNEVNIH slikah] esloveno

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to poem

[MOLK se nagiba h koncu] esloveno

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to poem

Gustav Januš 

Foto © Tihomir Pintar
* 19.09.1939, Zell-Pfarre, Carinthia, Áustria
vive em: Frießnitz (St. Jakob im Rosental), Carinthia, Áustria

Gustav Januš, poet, painter, translator and teacher of the Slovenian language, art, physics and chemistry, was born in 1939 in Carinthia. He lives in Frießnitz/Breznica and belongs to the Slowenian minority in Carinthia. 

He published his poems in a number of literary magazines, and in 1978 his first collection, P(e)s(m)i (Poems/Dogs), was published by Državna založba in Ljubljana. In 1983, the same collection came out in Klagenfurt under the title Pesmi (Poems). That year also Suhrkamp-Verlag published his poems in the translation of Peter Handke, who later translated three more of his poetry collections.

In total, Januš has published ten books of poetry in Slovenian, German or in bi-lingual editions. For his work he has received many eminent prizes, including Petrarca Literature Award (1984), the Prešeren Foundation Prize (1986) and the Humbert-Fink-Literaturpreis (2018).

  • P(e)s(m)i (Gedichte/Hunde)

    Ljubljana: 1978

  • Pesmi

    Mohorjeva/Hermagoras, 1983

  • Gedichte: 1962-1983

    Suhrkamp, 1983

  • Pesmi / Gedichte / Poesiis


  • Ko bom prekoračil besedo / Wenn ich das Wort überschreite

    Residenz-Verlag, 1988

  • Sredi stavka / Mitten im Satz

    Residenz-Verlag, 1990

  • Schwarzer Flügelschlag


  • Krog je zdaj moje okno / Der Kreis ist jetzt mein Fenster

    Residenz-Verlag, 1998

  • Metulj / Schmetterling / La farfalla / The butterfly

    Mohorjeva/Hermagoras, 1999

  • Moja beseda klije navzgor kot slika / Mein Wort keimt aus als Bild

    Wieser-Verlag, 2005

  • V barve spremenjena beseda / Wort, verwandelt in Farben

    zum 70. Geburtstag gesammelte Gedichte (1962-2009) in Slowenisch und Deutsch

    Mohorjeva/Hermagoras, 2009

  • 1983 Preis des Hermagoras Verlags

  • 1984 Petrarca-Preis

  • 1985 Preis der France-Prešeren-Stiftung

  • 1986 Prešeren-Preis

  • 1989 Würdigungspreis des Landes Kärnten

  • 2008 Joško Tischler Preis

  • 2018 Humbert-Fink-Literaturpreis