La sabata

He donat el meu cor a una dona barata.
Se'm podria a les mans. Qui l'hauria volgut?
En les escombraries una vella sabata
fa el mateix goig i sembla un tresor mig perdut.

Totes les noies fines que ronden a ma vora
no han tingut la virtut de donar-me el consol
que dóna una abraçada, puix que l'home no plora
pels ulls, plora pel sexe, i és amarg plorar sol.

Vull que ho sàpiguen bé les parentes i amigues:
Josep Palau no és àngel ni és un infant model.
Si tenien de mi una imatge bonica,
ara jo els ofereixo una de ben fidel.

No vull més ficcions al voltant de la vida.
Aquella mascarada ha durat massa temps.
Com que us angunieja que us mostri la ferida,
per això deixo encara la sabata en els fems.

© Fundació Palau
Extrait de: Poemes de l'Alquimista
Production audio: Fundació Palau

The Shoe

I gave my heart to a fallen woman.
It was rotting in my hands. Who would have wanted it?
At trash dumps an old discarded shoe
attracts us the same and seems a partly hidden treasure.

All refined young girls that wander around me
haven't had the strength to give me the comfort
that an embrace gives, because men don't cry
with their eyes, they cry with their sex and it's sad to cry alone.

I want all my relatives and female friends to know:
Josep Palau is no angel nor is he a role model.
If they had a pretty image of me,
now I offer them the naked truth.

I want no more fiction in my life.
That masquerade has lasted far too long.
Since you are disgusted by my festering wound,
I leave my shoe on the junk heap.

Translated by D. Sam Abrams