[L’endemà de la paraula]

l’endemà de la paraula
rento les taques
la sang
l’hàbit que el teu llum frontal il·lumina
la bugadera
que va engendrar-te
m’ha donat el gest
i els punys corren molls
de sabó d’oli i sosa
aclarint el roig
retornant al blanc
de llençol viu
que ha d’acollir de nou
la llibertat
per parlar-te de vós
mirant-te als ulls
i oferir la pell nua
a la nostra lesa humanitat.

© author
Extrait de: Frontal
AdiA Edicions, 2020
Production audio: Institut Ramon Llull, 2021

[The following day after the word]

the following day after the word
I clean up the stains, the blood,
the habit lit up by your headlight
the laundress who bred you
she passed her touch down to me
and fists dripping wet with soap and caustic soda,
drawing out the red, returning all to resplendent,
bedsheet white
all to embrace the written word again
the freedom to address you lovingly as thou
while staring into your eyes
and offering up my nakedness
to this most injured humanity.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes