Mihret Kebede


Uljana Wolf



ቢሆን ባይሆን ብሎ …..ማቀድ ለምንድነው?
ሰው መሆን በራሱ …..ያቃጁ እቅድ ነው
አቀጁ ካለበት…. እቅዱን እስኪያጸድቅ
አልያም ተጸጽቶ ….. ዶሴውን እስኪቀድ
እንደ ጅረት ውሀ ዝ….ም ብሎ መፍሰስ ነው
አፈሳሰስ ደግሞ….. ፍቺው ለየቅል ነው
አንድም ቋጥኝ መዝለል….. መ ፈ ነ ጣ ጠ ር ነው
አልያም ጎዳና ላይ ….. ድንጋይ ስር መቅረት ነው ::

© Mihret Kebede
Production audio: Haus für Poesie, 2022

The Planner

Why do we even make plans?

Being human is like being the plan

of another planner/planet,

so that in some way you are always

a plant in some-one else’s plan

and so until the planner decides to

change the plan

or unless the planner decides to

dismiss the plan

you are beautifully sitting there,

plain plan man.

Like the flow of the river, determined

by the shape of the land in any situation. But

how to flow

is a very different question.

You can either carefully step on the rocks

or you can simply decide to flow under

the rocks and be forgotten forever.

Two rocks, still out there—

to shape your flow and course.

Translated by Uljana Wolf