El poema feliç

Tanquem la porta;
A fora, el sol i el vent,
Els camps i l’horta;
A dins,
Molt sola i molt endins,
La Meravella;
Ardent, la soledat
Es lliga amb ella.
Per què?
A l’ombra del no-re
Uns mots suscita,
I acuden com els ocells
Tots a la cita
Els mots,
Alegres o capcots
-oh quina tria!-
La prova cal del foc
I l’agonia.
Es tanca el seu recés,
I neix -quin temps més llarg!-
Com d’una fosa
El poema feliç.
“Mare que bleixa,
Meravella -direm-
Vida mateixa
Ets tu”;
Però no ho sap ningú.

Tanquem la porta;
A fora, el sol i el vent,
Els camps i l’horta.

© Estate of Carles Riba and Clementina Arderiu
Extrait de: Sempre i ara
Production audio: Library of Congress, Washington

The Happy Poem


we close the door;

outside, sun and wind,

fields and farms;


so alone and so enclosed,

the Miracle;

eager, loneliness

bonds itself to her.


In the shadow of nothingness

some words provoke

other words

lined up like birds

waiting their turn,

happy or stubborn

—oh the choices!—.

The trial must be by fire 

and agony.


the retreat ended,


and born—how long it took!—

as if forged

from fire,

the happy poem.

“Mother gasping for breath,

Miracle—we say—

you are

life itself,”

but nobody hears it.


we close the door;

outside, sun and wind,

fields and farms.

Translated by Clyde Moneyhun