Ljubav je setna   plava    zlatna   i  prava
Prestani sa šegačenjem    piši svoju poeziju
Popi lek               uglancaj cipele
Idi u školu     mangupiraj se
Izađi iz sopstvene kule       baci je u vazduh  
Orlando reče
Podne je skromno i hrani se mrvama
Mali objekti govore Svahili i čuvaju
postmoderni postkomatozni sjaj gde noć drhti
I zatvara nad glavama šuštavi veo
Spašen od sigurne sigurnosti od mudrog znanja
Od siromašne informacije
Duž klizavog doka
Objekat se ugnezdio
Okrugao mudar i hranljiv
Ne progorava i krije  skrivene dane   čudan ukus
slavnu prošlost
Bezvremen je
Majko        da li me voliš?
Majko        da li ti je do mene stalo?
A meni, do tebe?
Eto, odgegaćeš se tom šljunkovitom stazom i ostavićeš me
Samu u svemiru ispunjenom zemičkama i zvezdama i
Sjajnim objektima     debelim knjigama  i glasnom muzikom
Sublimnim objektima    veselim rečnicima zarobljenim vremenom
Ispunjenog šargarepama    cveklom i ostalim lekovima
Djavoljim satarašem      kaldrmom   prstenjem od opala  i  kobaltnim sutonom

Laka kiša spira ogromne robote   drske račune
Pozajmice i kredite     glupe rekvizite optočene kremenom
Vraća mi se ljubav i sad je već
Setna plava         zlatna i prava

© Nina Živančević
Production audio: Radio Belgrade 2


Love is blue  love is gold   love is true

stop being childish  write that poetry

swallow your medicine   brush up your shoes

and go to school    and be a fool

get out of your castle and blow it off Orlando said

noon is humble feeding on crumbs

small objects speak Swahili and retain their post

modern post comatose glamour where night shivers

and closes its shimmering veil

saved from certainty saved from knowledge

saved from the poverty of information

along a shady dock

an object takes its place

 round and wise and nourishing

 it says nothing about its hidden days about its strange taste

about its glorious past

it is extemporal

Mother  do you love me?

Mother   do you care?

And do I care, for you?

There you will trot

along the tiny pebble path and leave me all alone

in the universe peopled with buns and stars and

shiny trinkets  staggering books and loud records

subliminal objects  cheerful dictionaries encapsulated in time

with carrots beetroots thistle remedies

witch’s brews cobblestones agate rings cobalt sunsets

light rain washes away huge robots impertinent bills

mortgage loans    stupid yawns hammered in

love comes back to me and is

blue  gold and true

Translated by the author