elk wurd dat ik by dy dellis
oan `e grûn en foar dyn fuotten
is in wurd tefolle

it kâlde gers derûnder
krekt meand krekt wiet
fan de moanne
it leit in dei

no wachtsje op de sinne
en hân foar de mûle
en hân foar de grap

wachtsje op hoe’t

krekt meand gers

sjocht my oan
kom oerein
                  laket laket laket

elk wurd
      wier wurd laket

as in bêd dat noch net op
makke is

meand en glêd

krekt meand en bliid
laket it gers  mei de hân
            op de mûle

en elk wurd dat ik skylk skynber sêft
by dy dellis op it nije gers en foar dyn djoere fuotten
is in wurd tefolle dat laket en laitsje sil

© T.B. / Contact & Bornmeer
Extrait de: Droom in blauwe regenjas / Dream yn blauwe reinjas.
(Collected by Hein Jaap Hilarides and Tsead Bruinja)
Amsterdam & Leeuwarden : Contact & Bornmeer, 2004
Production audio: NLPVF, 2005


each word I lay down before you
on the ground and at your feet
is a word too many

the cold grass beneath
fresh mown just wet
by the moon
it lies a day

now waiting for the sun
a hand covering its mouth
a hand hiding the joke

waiting for how

fresh mown grass

looks at me
sits up
         laughs laughs laughs

each word
      true word laughs
      in delight

like a bed you have to

mown and smooth

fresh mown and glad
the grass laughs    with a hand
              over its mouth

and each word I later apparently gently
lay down before you on the new grass at your precious feet
is a word too many that laughs and will laugh

Translated by David Colmer from the poet’s Dutch translation