III[1]:2 to release hostages special troops used gas

ser hans ansikte alldeles allvarligt stilla de mörka ögonen morgonen

jag rörde vid honom som för att inpränta hans kropp i fingrarna, händerna don’t be sad marie. you come and you go


mindes hans blick på sin kropp när jag strök honom över bröstkorgen. reaktionen. hans nakna  bröstvårta. den sista morgonen. much too much of everything. i främlingsskap. avsky

© Marie Silkeberg

III[1]:2 to release hostages special troops used gas

seeing his face quite gravely still the dark eyes the morning

touched him as if to imprint his body on my fingers, hands don’t be sad marie. you come and you go


remembered his eyes watching his body as i was stroking him across the chest. the reaction. his bare nipple. the last morning. much too much of everything. in estrangement. repulsion

Translated by Frank Perry