III[3]:1 authorities said it was a brilliant operation (first the number of victims were 67)

måsarna i det mörka vattnet. natten. dimman över saltsjön. ett underligt nästan kattliknande läte

så helt utan löften. ett nu så helt utan löften. minusvärdets kraft. att dra undan slöjan. eller grät han  också? the promise without a promise. what is it?

© Marie Silkeberg

III[3]:1 authorities said it was a brilliant operation (first the number of victims were 67)

gulls in dark water. the night. the mist over the salt lake. a strange almost cat-like sound

so entirely without promises. a present so entirely without promises. the power of the minus value. to tear away the veil. or did he cry too? the promise without a promise. what is it?

Translated by Frank Perry