Kui jalgratast poe ees ketti panin
lähenes lämisedes üks joodik
tahtsin taanduda
kuid ta ütles mulle
sa unustasid
oma suksut peale sõitu patsutada
jahmusin kuid kuuletusin
tegi käsi sadulale

joodiku silmis välgatas heakskiit:
sa oled noor ja ilus
aga ära sa ainult
enne kevadist äikest
maha istu

kunagi oli mul kallim
kah noor ja ilus
aga tema vaat ei kuulanud
ja oligi varsti kole ja sant valmis

vaatasin joodikule otsa
hall habemetüükas nägu
suurem osa hambaid puudu
(kuigi jutt polnud üldsegi hambutu)
aga silmad
olid pikkade ripsmetega
ilusad sinised head

kunagi oli see joodik poisike
kellele käekotist kommi otsiti
milline poiss
millised ripsmed
nagu nukuke
oma ema uhkus ja silmarõõm

aga kahjuks liiga hea
mõtlesin kui enne sõitu
oma ratast patsutasin
ja teele kannustasin
taas sadulasse hüppasin
ja minema kimasin
joodik aga istus
poe ette maha
kaugelt enne
esimest kevadist äikest

© Veronika Kivisilla
Production audio: Eesti Kirjanduse Teabekeskus [Estonian Literature Centre]


locking up my bike in front of the store
a babbling drunk approached me
I wanted to withdraw
but he said
you forgot
to pat your steed after the ride
I was startled but obeyed
went my hand on the seat

approval flashed in the drunk’s eyes:
you’re young and pretty
but don’t you go
sitting on the ground
before spring thunder

I had a sweetheart once

young and pretty too
but y’see she didn’t listen
and was ugly and ill afore long

I gazed upon the drunk
grey-stubbled face
missing most of his teeth
(though his words weren’t toothless at all)
but his eyes
were long-lashed
handsome blue kind

that drunk had been a little boy once
for whom purses were searched for sweets
people said
what a boy
what eyelashes
like a doll’s
his mother’s pride and joy

too kind unfortunately
I thought as I patted my bike

before the ride
and spurred it on our way
mounting the saddle once more
and speeding off

but the drunk sat down
on the ground in front of the store
long before
the first spring thunder

Translated by Adam Cullen