
Horixe da zoriona,
                                                                  orduka lan egiten duen behargina.

                                                                  ANNE SEXTON

Igandea da hondartzan asmo oneko jendearentzat.
Hango arrabots urruna entzuten da irlatik.

Uretara sartu gara biluzik,
Anemonak, trikuak, barbarinak ikusi ditugu hondoan.
Begira, haizeak garia bezala mugitzen du urak hondarra.
Urpera sartu eta azpitik begiratu zaitut.
Atsegin dut esku eta zangoen mugimendu geldoa,
Atsegin sabelpeek itsasbelarren forma hartzean.

Lehorrera igo gara. Bero da eta itzal egiten dute pinuek.
Gaziak dira zure besoak, gazia bularra, sabela gazia.
Ilargia itsasoarekin lotzen duen indar berak lotu gaitu geu ere.
Mendeak segundu bihurtu dira eta segunduak mende.
Udare zurituak gure gorputzak.

Anemonak, trikuak, barbarinak ikusi ditugu hondoan.
Igandea da hondartzan asmo oneko jendearentzat.

© Kirmen Uribe
Extrait de: Bitartean Heldu eskutik
Zarautz: Susa, 2001
Production audio: 2005, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

The island

So this is happiness,
                        that journeyman.

                        ANNE SEXTON

It’s Sunday on the beach for all people of good desires.
You can hear the faraway noise of it from the island.

We go into the water naked,
We see anemones, red mullets, sea-thistles on the bayfloor.
Look—like the wind the wheat the water moves the sand.
I go under and behold you from underneath.
I like the slow movement of your hands and legs.
I like your underbelly’s taking the form of seaweed.

We go up on dry land. It’s hot and the pines make shadow.
Your arms are salty, your chest salty, belly salty.
The same power that joins the moon with the sea
has joined us, too.
Centuries become a second and seconds centuries.
Our bodies, peeled pears.

We see anemones, red mullets, sea-thistles on the bayfloor.
It’s Sunday on the beach for all people of good desires.

Translated from the Basque by Elizabeth Macklin