     Stopy po zacelených ranách, vôľa k vedomiu.

     (v prítomnom režime dať tomuto slovu zmysel):

tu kdesi bol chodník, čo viedol pomedzi stromy,
a ľahká detská obuv, sandálky
s koženým remienkom a chrómovanou prackou
doň po daždi vtláčali svoj obrys, prednú časť,
drobnú podkovu;
     pretože celkom malé deti vždy utekajú po špičkách.

     No stromy sa už rozrástli natoľko,
     že nikto neuverí: tadiaľto sa dalo prejsť.

Pozemky s prehnitým, napoly rozloženým plotom,
hranice parcel,
prerušovaná čiara; vodáreň.

Aj farby už celkom vsiakli do zeme,
     štruktúra pôdy, jej chuť, pach, mazľavá hmota
zaschýna na ruke, tvrdne a skôr než popraská,

     pripomenie ti:

     rozbíjanie okien v ešte neomietnutom dome,
     prievan, sneh,
     ale aj bolesť úst roztrhnutých úsmevom.

© Mária Ridzoňová Ferenčuhová
Production audio: Ars Poetica


       Footsteps in healed wounds, will to awareness.

       (in the present mode, give this word a sense):

Somewhere here was a trail, leading between trees,
And light children‘s footwear, sandals
With a leather strap and chromium buckle
Indented their outline in it, the front part
Petty horseshoe;
       Because very small children always run on tiptoe.

       But the trees have already burgeoned so,
       That nobody will believe: one could pass through here.

Plots with the twisted, half decayed fence,
Plot borders,
Dashed line; water station.

Colours, too, were completely absorbed by earth,
       Earth texture, its taste, odour, slimy material
Drying on the hand, solidifies and before cracking,

       It will remind you:

       dashing windows on a still unplastered house,
       Drought, snow,
       But also the pain of a mouth ripped apart by smile.

English Translation: Pavol Lukáč.
From the book: Princíp neistoty. Bratislava: Ars Poetica, 2008.