
Obruči što grle bačvu punu gorkog
Vina. To su bili naši dani.

Trpki ukus crnice, uporno proticanje reka,
(kao proticanje krvi kroz vene i arterije)
Šum lišća, i talasi koji su
Borama pokrivali jasno lice mora.
Varka, koju smo svi voleli.

Nema više prepoznavanja,
Prisnog smeha oblaka.
I let laste,
Nestašno prevrtanje po vazduhu,
Mi ipak nismo razumeli.

Telo bi svaki od nas
Radije bio svukao:
Osećali smo ga kao tkaninu
Čije se niti brzo paraju.

Sada, okruženo zidovima
Koje pokriva sloj guste mahovine,
Ostalo je samo srce.

Krv se kao končić dima
Izvija ka nebu.

Nema više ni srca.

Dušo, umij svoje
Razgorele obraze snegom.

Čuju se samo još damari,
Kotrljanje zvezda niz nebo.
Kao u mračnoj kutiji, tišina
Koja opija; zagrljaj
U kome nema nikoga.

© Vojislav Karanović
Extrait de: Živa rešetka
Novi Sad : IP Matica srpska, 1991
Production audio: 2006, M.Mechner / Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

The Embrace

The hoops that embrace a barrel full of bitter
Wine. That’s what our days were.

Sour taste of dark soil, persistent flow of rivers,
(Like the flow of blood through veins and arteries)
Sound of leaves, and the waves that
Wrinkled the clear face of the sea.
The deception, that we all loved.

No more recognition,
Or the clouds’ familiar laughter.
The swallow’s flight,
Its gentle turning in the air,
We did not understand.

Each one of us would
Rather take off the body;
We felt it like a cloth
Whose fibres rip so quickly.

Now, it is surrounded by walls    
Covered by a thick layer of moss,
Only the heart remains.

The blood, like a thread of smoke
Soars towards the sky.

The heart is also gone.

Oh, soul, wash up yor
Burning cheeks with snow.

One can now hear nothing but pulses,
Rolling of stars down the sky.
As in a dark box; the intoxicating
Silence; an embrace
In which there is no one.

Translated by Zoran Paunović