ako tog jutra, pa makar ti bio 31. rođendan
nisi ustala iz torte
iz kreveta kao božje dijete
u kožuhu s izvezenim crvenim klizaljkama
brige ti se tokom dana
gomilaju kao krpice za naočale
nešto kao razlivena stara koža vuka skori se na torbici
na patent zatvaraču hlača
hvata se po noktima, mobitelu, novčaniku
i ometa signale iz svemira
koje ti šalje uskrslo vrhovno biće
u takvim se danima prejedeš piletine za ručak
i sjedneš pisati prosječne kokošje pjesme
zbog rastuće napetosti u vratu
i vodostaja rijeke cetine
nazoveš urednika, sestričnu i preostalu živu baku
a zamusano se čudovište
šćućuri u maternici, tiho plače i pije crnu kavu
u sumrak zavija pod pazuhom
a navečer te raspori i napuni kamenjem
iako je ono to koje je mrtvo
i smiješno
sutradan lovci i geometri na prozoru mjerkaju
koliko ovoga puta brizi nije uspjelo
produžiti život slavljenici bar za jedan
krvav lakat

© Dorta Jagić
Production audio: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011


if that morning
even if it is your 31st birthday
you dont get out of a cake
or bed as a Gods child
wearing a leather waistcoat with embroidered red skates
your whole day is littered with worries,
as if with tissues for cleaning eyeglasses
and something like a spread out peace of well-worn wolf skin
hardens on your purse
and on the zipper of your trousers
catching your nails, your mobile phone and wallet
disturbing cosmic signals
sent to you by some ressurected supreme being
on days like that you stuff yourself with chicken for lunch
and sit down to write average chick poems
due to that growing tension in your neck
and the rising water level of Cetina River
then you call your editor, your cousin and your only living grandma
while the messy monster squirts inside
your womb crying quietly and sipping on black coffee
whining below your armpit at dusk
only to rip you open and fill you up with stones at night
even though it is him who is actually dead
and ridiculous
the next day hunters and surveyors ogle from window
now worry failed yet again
to extend the life of the birthday girl
by at least one more
bloody elbow.

Translated by Damir Šodan