Inger-Mari Aikio

sami du nord

Kasper Salonen


boares gussa

čoavji dego cubbos
liiki dego sfinx bussás
bahta govddit go vuotnaheasttas
čiččit dego rahkkeviercca bállut

liemastan alccesan
njálgáid, gáhkuid, vuojaid
buot sturrot
stuorrumis sturrot
dušše iešdovdu játná

giige ii fuola
giige ii hálit
geasage in dohkke
ja go in
de liemastan lasi

boares gussa riehpu
okto hiŋgalisttis
menddo sitkat biergunge
buoremus bálkestit horttiide
dahje jávistit roggái

© Inger-Mari Aikio
Extrait de: 69 čuoldda – 69 pylvästä
Guovdageaidnu, Norway: DAT, 2018
Production audio: Haus für Poesie, 2019

Old Cow

a stomach like a frog's
skin like a sphinx's
an ass wider than a hippo's
tits like a rutting ram's testicles

I serve myself
candy, cakes, cream
everything swells and swells
only my self-esteem shrinks

no one wants me
no one desires me
– so I serve up more,
ancient tragic cow

alone in the stall
throw the rubbery meat
to the stray dogs
or cover it up in a hole

translation into English from Finnish by Kasper Salonen