Zakaria Mohammed  ( محمد زكريا )




الحصان arabe

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to poem

ملك arabe

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to poem

صفقة arabe

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to poem

اسم arabe

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to poem

ألم arabe

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to poem

الجزيرة المقلوبة arabe

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to poem

مسرح الدمى arabe

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to poem

الأرواح arabe

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to poem

طبق arabe

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to poem

انتحار arabe

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to poem

Zakaria Mohammed  محمد زكريا

Foto ©
* 27.12.1950, Nablus, Territoire palestinien
Réside à: Ramallah, Territoire palestinien

Zakaria Mohammed (born in 1950 in Nablus, Palestine) returned to his homeland in 1994 after 25 years in exile and now lives in Ramallah. He is a freelance journalist, editor, writer and poet. For many years he was the deputy editor-in-chief of the cultural journal al-Karmel, edited by Mahmud Darwish.

As a poet, he is a master of condensation. Always searching relentlessly for the absolute essence, he rigorously throws every piece of ballast of ideas and language overboard in the process of writing until he is reaching the core of the matter. As he says, 'it is not what is written that makes the poem, but what is left out.' His ultimate goal is to achieve silence, stillness.

 Foto ©
Mohammed weaves unspectacular everyday moments together with philosophical considerations to make poetic texts which are soft and sensuous in tone and gesture and create a high level of intensity and density. His works are reminiscent of still-lifes, radiating meditative calm and inviting pause, silence and contemplation.

  • Qasâ’id akhîra

    (Last Poems)

    Beirut: Palestinian Writers' Union, 1981

  • Aschghâl yadawîyya


    London: Dâr ar-Rayyes, 1990

  • Al-Djawâd yadjtazu Üsküdar

    (The Horse Passes Üsküdar)

    London: Dâr surâh, 1994

  • Darbat schams


    Beirut: al-mu’assasa al-arabîyya li-d-dirâsât wa-n-naschr, 2002

  • Hadjar al-baht

    (Magic Stone)

    Ramallah: Dâr an-nâschir, 2008