Vika Trenas  (Віка Трэнас)




Шчымлівы лістапад biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

*** [чарговыя здрады ўсяго толькі...] biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

*** [ты надта далёка...] biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

Смак адчаю biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

Сакавіцкая элегія biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

*** [сталасць не ёсць мудрасцю...] biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

*** [калі заходзіць сонца...] biélorusse

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to poem

*** [з розных нотак голасу твайго...] biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

Экзістэнцыйны пейзаж biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

*** [ты вернешся за мной...] biélorusse

traductions: de

to poem

Vika Trenas  Віка Трэнас

Foto ©
* 07.12.1984, Minsk, Bélarus
Réside à: MInsk, Bélarus

Vika Trenas, born in 1984 in Minsk, studied Belarusian and Russian philology at Minsk University.

She is working as an editor for the journal „Maładosć“.

Since 2000 Trenas publishes essays, literature critics and poems in several print and online medias.

Some of her texts have been translated into German, Russian, Bulgarian, Polish and Swedish.

 Foto ©