Kinga Fabó 




Az Operabált megnyitom hongrois

traductions: en

to poem

Egy öngyilkos tükörkép hongrois

traductions: en sr

to poem

Kinga Fabó 

Foto © private
* 01.11.1953, Mezőtúr, Hongrie
04.03.2021, Budapest, Hongrie

Kinga Fabó was a Hungarian poet. She has pubslished eight poetry collection, among them a bilingual Indonesian-English poetry collection Racun/Poison which was published in 2015 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Fabó’s poetry has appeared in various international literary journals and poetry magazines including Osiris, Ink Sweat & Tears, The Screech Owl, The Original Van Gogh’s Ear, Numéro Cinq, Deep Water Literary Journal, Fixpoetry and elsewhere as well as in anthologies like The Significant Anthology, Women in War, The Colours of Refuge, Poetry Against Racism, World Poetry Yearbook 2015, and others.

 Foto © private
A selection of poems have been translated into English by George Szirtes and appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation with an introduction by Szirtes.

Some of her individual poems have been translated into 17 languages altogether: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Esperanto, French, Galego, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Tamil.

One of her poems (The Ears) has among others six different Indonesian translations by six different authors.

Earlier in her career Fabó was also a linguist dealing with theoretical issues, like logics or the philosophy of language and an essayist, too, interested in issues from the periphery, from the verge. She has also written an essay on Sylvia Plath.

Fabó has been a Poetry Editor at Diaphanous, an American e-journal for literary and visual art that was launched on in 2017.

In everything she’s done, Fabó has always been between the verges, on the verge, in the extreme.

She died in Budapest, Hungary in March 2021.

  • Értékváltozások a 19. század második felében

    Budapest: Szociológiai Intézet, 1980

  • Maradj még idegen

    [radio play]

    Budapest: 1984

  • A határon


    Budapest: Magvető – JAK, 1987

  • Anesztézia


    Budapest: Móra, Kozmosz, 1988

  • A fül


    Budapest: Széphalom, 1992

  • Ellenfülbevaló


    Budapest: Magvető, 1994

  • Elég, ha én tudom


    Budapest: Seneca, 1996

  • Fojtott intenzitással, fojtottan


    Budapest: Fekete Sas, 2002

  • Racun / Poison



    Jakarta: Teras Budaya, 2015

  • Bebáboz


    Budapest: Gondolat, 2020

  • 2015 Free Poets Collective International Poetry Contest, First Prize