Kerîm Kurmanc 




Sêxiştî kurde

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to poem

Helbestvanên bê sînor kurde

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to poem

Nîşangeh kurde

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to poem

Mêrên Malan kurde

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to poem

Ez û te kurde

Evîna min û ya we kurde

Kerîm Kurmanc 

Foto ©
* 04.01.1976, Qûçan, Xorasan, Iran
Réside à: Teheran, Iran

Kerîm Kurmanc (born in 1976 in Qûçan, Xorasan, Iran) studied journalism and has written about the lives of various Kurdish poets. He has written two screenplays which were confiscated by the state. His poem ‘Silav xatirxwestin bimîne wextekî din’ was banned with no reason given.
Kurmanc writes poems in the modern Lo style and also Sêxiştî, a poetic form dating from the Sassanid period which only survives among the Kurds in Xorasan. Many of his texts have been set to music. He was awarded the Prize of Honour for the Best Poem at the 2014 Literature Festival of the City of Erdebîl.
Kurmanc is now a film-maker and writer working on a film about the poet Cefer Qulî Zengilî. He lives in Teheran.

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