Dato Magradze  (დათო მაღრაძე)




დათო მაღრაძე გრიფით საიდუმლო géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

პოეტს + géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

- ოსანა... géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

[პირველ თოვლს უკვე მიეცა ძალა] géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

[- არა, ანდერძი ის არ არის] géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

Salve géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

ამარკორდი ფიქრის გორაზე géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

სალომეა géorgien

traductions: de

to poem

Dato Magradze  დათო მაღრაძე

Foto © private
* 28.06.1962, Tbilisi, Géorgie
Réside à: , Géorgie

Dato Magradze was born in Tbilisi in 1962.

He was the editor of a literary magazine called 'Ziskari'; from 1992 to 1995 minister of education of Georgia, and from 1999 on representative of the Georgian parliament. Magradze abdicated his offices voluntarily.

Since 1997 he is president of the Georgian P.E.N. Center. Numerous of his works were published in Georgia and abroad; he received several international prizes.

 Foto © private