Lyn Šikić Mićanović 

on Lyrikline: 3 poems translated

from: croata to: inglés




croata | Miroslav Mićanović

Ona je ostala gore.
On se spustio dolje za stol s društvom.
Ona se samo javila na kratko
porukom da mu kaže da odlazi.
Ona nije znala gdje je on, ali
ni ona nije znala gdje je,
pored svega što želi i mora
i pokraj čega će proći.

On nije znao gdje jest,
ali ustao se kad ju je vidio
kako prilazi mjestu na kojem
će je pokupiti. Samo trenutak,
rekao je i prekinuo razgovor o
poeziji i tim važnim stvarima,
o ozbiljnoj ludosti smo pričali,
izustio je kad joj je prišao.

Oboje su bili dolje, što ne znači
da su tih nekoliko trenutaka prije
bili odvojeni ili da su mogli biti
bliži, bliži jedno drugom dok je
ona ostala naizgled nepomična.

Ona je ostala gore.
On se spustio dolje za stol s društvom.
Ona se javila samo na kratko da odlazi
i on je ispod oka motrio kad će se to
dogoditi. Ali ona nije htjela da on to
vidi. On više nije znao gdje je ona
i gdje on jest. Ona se pomakla za samo
deset metara. Razdaljina napravljena
zbog mnogo čega što se u poeziji da
iskoristiti. On nije znao gdje je kad
su je pokupili. Vidio je tri-četiri-pet
usporenih trenutaka prije vrh njezine
glave, koja nije bila njena jer je virila
iz auta i tražila je tako slična njoj.

Ona je ostala gore.
On se spustio dolje za stol s društvom.
Ona se samo javila na kratko
porukom da mu kaže da odlazi.
Ona nije znala gdje je on, ali
ni ona nije znala gdje je,
pored svega što želi i mora
i pokraj čega će proći.

Audio production: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011



She stayed up(stairs).
He went down(stairs) with friends to the table.
She only called briefly
with a message to tell him that she was leaving.
She didn’t know where he was, but
she didn’t know where she was,
along with everything that she wants and must
and next to that she must pass.

He didn’t know where he was,
but he stood up when he saw her
approaching the place where
he was going to pick her up. Just a moment,
he said and stopped the conversation about
poetry and those important things,
about serious madness we talked,
he gasped when he came close to her.

Both were down(stairs), which doesn’t mean
that a few moments before
they were separated or that they could be
closer, closer to each other while
she stayed apparently motionless.

She stayed up(stairs).
He went down(stairs) with friends to the table.
She said just briefly that she was leaving
and he looked stealthily as to when this will
happen. But she didn’t want him to see
this. He no longer knew where she was
and where he was. She only moved about
ten metres. Distance made because a lot of things in poetry
can be used. He didn’t know where he was
when they picked her up. He saw three-four-five
slowed down moments before the top of her
head, which wasn’t hers because it was sticking
out of a car and was looking for one similar to hers.

She stayed up(stairs).
He went down(stairs) with friends to the table
She only called briefly
with a message to tell him that she was leaving.
She didn’t know where he was, but
she didn’t know where she was,
along with everything that she wants and must
and next to that she must pass.

Translated by Luka Mićanović & Lyn Šikić Mićanović


croata | Miroslav Mićanović

Čitam u pjesmi norveškog pjesnika kako netko taman vesla i usprkos vlastitom
nesporazumu sa strofama i poznatim prizorima vidim i slušam cijelu noć tog
veslača iz pjesme.

Audio production: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011



I’m reading how somebody dark is rowing in a poem by a Norwegian writer and
despite their own misunderstanding of verses and well-known scenes I see and
listen to that rower from the poem all night.

Translated by Luka Mićanović & Lyn Šikić Mićanović


croata | Miroslav Mićanović

Trajekti u prijevozu robe imaju pravo na vrijeme, na sporost koja može prerasti u
vječnost, što znači da je njihova putanja vjerojatno dio lučkog ili kapetanijskog
plana. Eto kako možeš misliti o onome što ne znaš. Trajekti različitih oblika i
veličina smiju biti obilježeni i ponekim crtežom, osim što na njihovu glomaznom
truplu piše njihovo ime. Eto kako možeš misliti o onome što plutajući prolazi
bešumno jednog jutra, kao na filmu ili u metafizici koja još ne zna za vječni osmijeh
Mona Lise. Ukratko, upravo prolazi takav trajekt s njezinim likom i osmijehom, ali
oči su ti zatvorene i usne suhe dok se ljubiš sa ženom, prvi put: jedanput ili više
puta i zauvijek.

Audio production: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011



Ferries in transport have a right to time, to slowness that can surpass eternity, which means that their trajectory is probably part of the port’s or captain’s plan. That’s how you can think about what you don’t know. Ferries of different shapes and sizes are allowed to be marked with a few drawings, besides the name and number that is written on their huge hull. That’s how you can think about that what is floating noiselessly one morning, like in a film or in metaphysics that still do not know about the eternal smile of Mona Lisa. In short, that kind of ferry with her image and smile is passing by right now, but your eyes are closed and lips are dry while you are kissing a woman, for the first time: once or more times and forever.

Translated by Luka Mićanović & Lyn Šikić Mićanović