[muškarac sjedi u zimskom vrtu]

muškarac sjedi u zimskom vrtu
australije i jede naranče. za
sat vremena nastupit će toplina.
ribe u kućnom bazenu. mladić
za uređenje dvorišta. japanac na
putu u novu kuću. hong kong se njiše
kao hong/kong/hong/kong. ako veseli
dječaci izmaknu skele, past će dva
boda. muškarac sjedi u zimskom vrtu
australije i jede naranče. za
sat vremena nastupit će toplina.
– onih nekoliko zatvorenih vrata, oko
njegovih ruku, sliče jatu ptice
koje obilaze umrle negdje na sasvim
drugom kraju šume.

Producción de Audio: Tomislav Krevzelj, Udruga radio mreza 2011

[a man sits in the winter garden]

a man sits in the winter garden
of australia and eats oranges. in
an hour the heat will set in.
fish in the swimming pool. a boy
who trims the garden. a japanese man
on his way to the new house. hong kong rocks
like hong/kong/hong/kong. if the happy
boys move the scaffolding, it will drop
two points. a man sits in the winter garden
of australia and eats oranges. in
an hour the heat will set in.
- those few closed doors, around
his arms, resemble a flock of birds
which circle the dead somewhere
in an entirely distant part of the forest.

Translated by Stipe Grgas