És com si l’horitzó sobreeixís,
com si la natura marqués el pas
del dia a la nit detenint el temps,
com si esclatés una bomba d’hidrogen.

Sobrevé la posta del sol i el món
embogeix de perfums primaverals
que amaren l’aire i de colors roents
que s’escampen sobre els antropomòrfics
perfils del bosc agrest i les muntanyes.

Grans propietats rústiques que fan
olor de nou, camins de bona petja,
marrades angostes, albercoquers
en flor, carenes, terrenys de pastura,
torrenteres seques i bruguerars
es revesteixen de llustrosos nimbes
rics d’ocres, ambres, safrans i carmins
que a poc a poc es van esllenegant
en inconnexa disposició.
Segons com hi toca la llum, tremolen
de pura ingravidesa i harmonitzen
amb el blau més pujat de firmament.

© Viena
De: Edward Hopper
Barcelona: Viena, 2006
Producción de Audio: institut ramon llull


It’s as if the horizon had overflowed,
as if nature had marked the passage
from day to night by slowing time,
as if a hydrogen bomb had exploded.

The sunset broke loose and the world
went crazy with vernal scents
saturating the air, with burning colors
spreading over the anthropomorphic
outlines of wild woods and mountains.

Huge country estates that give
off a fresh smell, fine hiking trails,
narrow detours, apricot trees
in bloom, crest lines, pasture lands,
dry gullies and heather
are graces with glowing haloes,
rich in ochres, ambers, saffrons and carmines
gradually losing their shapes
in a disjointed arrangement.
According to how the light false, they tremble
with pure weightlessness and harmonize
with the most intense blue of the firmament.

Translated into English by Lawrence Venuti
Edward Hopper, Graywolf Press, 2009