Meg Bateman

gaélico escocés


An glasadh an latha
tha thu ag òl gu dian,
do shùilean ag amharc bhuat
gun bhrìgh na duinne dhomh;
tha ùghdarras sa ghrèim
a th' aig do dhà làimh air a' chìch,
is d' òrdagan a' pronnadh mo bhlian
ri caismeachd dhìomhair.

Feasgar nì thu brìodal:
nì thu dinneadh air an t-sine
is nì thu gàire 's i ag èirigh,
nì thu caogadh ri Dad mun cuairt oirre
is briosgaid na do dhòrn...

Ach a dh'oidhche
cha chuilean meata thu -
cha tàlaidh pòg air do bhilean thu
no duanag ga cagairt na do chluais -
spìonaidh do chorragan mo ghùn
agus le raoic asad dhan dorchadas
agraidh tu do chòir mar bu dual.

© Meg Bateman

Eka’s Gods

Hello God.
A friend of mine gave me your address,
But I barely found the way.
What's more, I’m an hour and a half late.
As it turns out you really live far from downtown.
Were you told that I was dropping by?
I have something to say.
It’s better to say it—to speak out.
I’m lying already—I want to wail.
Didn’t you make my nose grow larger
for lying?
And when you made my chest grow, do you remember how I protested?
By slouching my shoulders—since then I have remained that way.
Still you bring yourself to dish out such dull punishments to me.
My father told me once,
God is in your eyes when you smile.
Did you know, since that day I’ve been keeping an eye on you in the mirror,
Since that very day I’ve been washing you with tears
When I want to make you disappear.
And now it’s the same.
Today I’ve taken this walk to your place
Just to ask you
If perhaps you’d go away,
If you won’t help me.
This is reckless,
but you should let me know today.
If you like, slip it under my pillow,
And I will dig with my hands and words
Shall fasten like leeches.
And even if I repeat these words flawlessly in a dream
I’ll be sure
To learn the prayer.
A prayer for your returning.

Translated by Eka Kevanishvili, edited by Tim Kercher