Against Whatever It Is That’s Encroaching

Best of all is to be idle,
And especially on a Thursday,
And to sip wine while studying the light:
The way it ages, yellows, turns ashen
And then hesitates forever
On the threshold of the night
That could be bringing the first frost.

It’s good to have a woman around just then,
And two is even better.
Let them whisper to each other
And eye you with a smirk.
Let them roll up their sleeves and unbutton their shirts a bit
As this fine old twilight deserves,

And the small schoolboy
Who has come home to a room almost dark
And now watches wide-eyed
The grownups raise their glasses to him,
The giddy-headed, red-haired woman
With eyes tightly shut,
As if she were about to cry or sing.

© Charles Simic
De: New and Selected Poems
New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013

Protiv bilo čega što prelazi meru

Najbolje je besposličiti,
A naročito kada je četvrtak,
I pijuckati vino dok proučavaš svetlost:
Kako stari, žuti, postaje pepeljast
A onda zauvek okleva
Na pragu noći
Koja možda donosi prvi mraz.

Dobro je kad se baš tada nađe u blizini žena,
A ako su dve, još bolje.
Neka šapuću jedna drugoj
I motre te, smeškaju se glupo.
Neka zavrnu rukave i raskopčaju malo košulje
Kao što to ovaj fini prisni sumrak zaslužuje,

A onda taj mali đak
Koji se vratio kući u sobu skoro mračnu
I sada gleda razrogačeno
Te odrasle koji mu nazdravljaju čašama,
Tu trapovesnu riđokosu ženu
Očiju čvrsto sklopljenih,
Kao da bi da zaplače ili zapeva.

Prevela: Ivan V. Lalić