Surat Pembaca

Redaksi yang terhormat
Izinkan saya menyampaikan keluhan
dan sedikit saran. Burung bangau
di tepi danau itu sudah sembilan malam
mencangkung sendirian, hingga katak
dan ikan-ikan tak berani bercinta
padahal purnama begitu indahnya.

Juga di tepi padang, sekuntum kembang
tersedu-sedu sendirian, sembilan lambaian
yang lalu tepat di tikungan jalan
ke arah hutan. Jingga kelopaknya terbiar
di sela belukar tanpa ada yang peduli
padahal setiap hari ia menghias diri
dengan embun pagi.

Saya sarankan agar remang rembulan
yang mengambang sendu
di sudut kolam itu disandingkan saja
dengan rusa remaja yang termangu
sendirian di tepian hutan, padahal
para pemburu sudah lama berlalu
membawa rusa jantan kasmaran
yang rubuh tersambar peluru.

Demikian surat saya, semoga ada
manfaatnya bagi pembaca
maupun sepasang kupu-kupu
yang terjebak di kaca jendela kamar,
padahal cuaca di luar
begitu nyaman, sejuk, segar.

© Komodo Books
De: Surat-surat Kesunyian
Komodo Books, 2015
Producción de Audio: Haus für Poesie / 2015

Reader’s Letter

Dear editors,
allow me to make some complaints
and a small suggestion. That crane
on the river bank has been standing there alone
for nine consecutive nights,
that the frogs and the fish feel reluctant to mate,
whereas the moon is shining so beautifully.

While nine handwaves ago,
on the edge of a meadow, right at the bend of the road
toward the forest, a flower wept alone.
Her orange petals were lain fallow
beneath the shrub, abandoned.
Whereas every day she has always dressed her petals up
with morning dew.

I suggest the gloomy moonlight
floating above the pond to be paired
with a fawn standing on the edge of the forest,
whereas hunters have already gone
shouldering their ravin: an infatuated buck
collapsed by bullets strikes.

That’s all I have to say, I hope my letter
will benefit other readers
as well as a pair of butterflies
which trapped in my room’s window,
while the weather outside
is absolutely nice, cool, and fresh.

Translated by Nikmah Sarjono