Retorn a Catalunya

Ja veig damunt la terra de foc el nostre pi.
Oh gent, que per les feixes daurades feu camí!
em sobta com un vi
la força tota vella i humil que ens agermana.
(És viu com la ginesta i com el blau marí
el teu escarafall, oh noia catalana.)

Com somrieu en hores del vespre, masos blancs,
entre pallers de bona companyia,
i cada mas ateny en curta rodalia
bosquet i blat i vinya i un marge amb tres pollancs.

Voldria, tot perdent-me per valls i fondalades
dir tes llaors, oh terra de salut!
enmig de coses fosques i vides oblidades
com aquest grill que canta dins un camí perdut

© Raimon Bergós lawyer’s office
Producción de Audio: Biblioteca de Catalunya

Return to Catalonia

Now I can see our pine-tree upon the fiery hills,
oh people making your way through the golden fields,
the ancient humble force that makes us brothers
tacks me off guard like a wine.
(And your wild outburst, Catalan girl, is live
like flowering broom or dark blue sea.)

How you smile in the evening hours, white farms,
among companionable ricks,
and each farmstead in a small space achieves
wood, vine, and wheat, three fringing poplars.

Losing myself in ravines and valleys,
I’d like to sing your praises, land of well-being!
among dark things and lives forgotten,
like a cricket singing on some secluded path.

Translated by Pearse Hutchinson. Josep Carner, Poems: The Dolphin Book, 1962.