
Pel canal obert que deixen les esquenes
baixa com l’aigua el temps de les promeses.
Dormiu i no veieu desfilar els verbs
–còdols que desemboquen a altres mars–:
veureu, fareu, tindreu, viureu, sereu.
No us ho pensàveu, no ho esperàveu,
però el cabal del desencís ha anat pujant
i al llit, sou el que éreu: una parella
que ja no es mulla i va al revés, en desacord,
desfent l’amor, apassionadament.

© Mireia Calafell
De: Tantes mudes
Producción de Audio: Catalunya Ràdio


In the open canal behind backs turned away
the time of promises flows off like water.
You sleep and you don’t see the words file past
– pebbles washed away to other seas –:
you will see, you will do, you will have, you will leave, you will be.
You didn’t think it, you didn’t hope it,
but the current of disillusion gathers force
and in the bed, you are what you were: a pair
that refuses to wade in now and pulls back, in discord,
unmaking love with a passion.

Translated by Adrian Nathan West.