Jacob Rhodes


[Temps de flors]

Temps de flors:
l'orfenesa és una porta
que s'ha de traspassar amb cautela.

Oblidarem la velocitat del lladre
el desmai exuberant escala avall
el bord que tancava l'aigua
i ara se la vol beure.

El temps de flors és només nostre.

Les males herbes,
de runa.

© author
Producción de Audio: Institut Ramon Llull, 2021

[Budding season]

Budding season:

orphanhood is a door

that must be crossed with caution.

We are going to forget the thief’s speed

The exuberant willow sweeping its way down the garden stairs

The boor who closed the water and now he wants to drink it.

The budding season is ours only.

Weeds, the ruin’s mould.

Translated by Jacob Rhodes