Cançó de taverna

Al meu pare li vaig dir
que em cerques una fadrina
que em vingués justa per mi
ni molt aspre ni molt fina
perquè em feia galdiró,
estar sol m'era malura,
sortint de missa major
el mal aviat se'm cura.
Això rai!
El casament és un ai!

I ja em teniu festejant
i les velles se'n alarmen
la mossa em va agradar tant
que no poden separar-me'n.
i se'm fa l'ànima prima
quan al llit cerco repòs
el seu record se m'arrima.
Això rai!
Que és ben dolç aquest desmai!

M'he donat a l'aiguardent
la mossa plora que plora
li faig el primer present
no hi tocava de cap vora.
Quan l'hi he dut el collaret
del neguit era malalta,
ja no em fan calor ni fred
les besades a la galta.
Això rai!
La beguda em dóna esplai!

Ella té un color marcit
com una rosa que es passa.
El pare s'ha enfollonit,
el germà és tot amenaça.
De casa em treuen els dos
i el esperit és qui em governa
cues baixes com un gos
me'n anava a la taverna.
Això rai!
Amb el vi s'adorm l'esglai!

Ara ha trobat un fadrí
de molt bona companyia.
Si no s'acorda de mi
jo que hi penso nit i dia.
Companys de tavernejar
de veure'n les meves penes
em diuen: "si et va deixar
te'n queden moltes dotzenes".
Això rai!
I l'anyoro més que mai!

© Josep Maria de Sagarra
De: Cançons de rem i de vela
Producción de Audio: Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Drinking Song

I had a word with my father
and asked him if he’d try to find
a girl, neither coarse nor too refined,
one who’d suit me down to the ground,
because I was getting fat, rather,
and being alone was a bit of a blight,
but coming from High Mass I found
the evil was soon put right.
Easily done!
Marriage is one long moan!

And the old wives are all scandalised,
for now that I’ve made an offer,
the girl’s so pleasing to my eyes
that they have to prise me off her.
and my spirit is growing thin,
for when in bed I try to rest,
the thought of her comes sneaking in.
Easily done!
For it’s very sweet, this swoon!

I’ve taken to drinking spirits
and the lassie just weeps buckets,
but the very first time I made her a gift
she wouldn’t even touch it.
When I brought her that wee necklace,
she sulked for nearly a week,
and it kind of makes me restless,
all this kissing on the cheek.
Easily done!
When I’m drinking I have a bit more fun!

Her colour looks quite faded
like a rose that’s past its best,
her father has gone plumb crazy
and the brother is full of threats.
They threw me out on my neck
and since it’s the spirit that governs,
with my tail between my legs
I made my way to the tavern.
Easily done!
For banishing fright, wine’s the solution!

And now she’s found another lad
who keeps her good company;
that she doesn’t remember me is sad,
when I think of her night and day.
All my pals in the hostelry,
who can see I’m feeling sore,
tell me, «In spite of her treachery,
out there there are dozens more.»
Easily done!
I miss her more than anyone!

Translated by Anna Crowe