
Cor meu, solellada
turbulència roja:
plenitud que salta
desbridada i folla.
Alegria! Bandera
coronant la torre-
bastides no calen
ni cordes ni roses...

Roda, roda, roda,
animeta meva,
no secreta, fonda...
Cerca, mira, parla,
cenyeix graciosa,
domina i acaba
amb ta pura força
la meva ventura...

Intactes les hores
em facin corona.

© Estate of Carles Riba and Clementina Arderiu
De: "Cant i paraules" in "Poemes"
Sabadell: La Mirada, 1936
Producción de Audio: Library of Congress, Washington


Body of mine, sun-kissed

ruddy tumult:

abundance that leaps

unbridled and wild.

Joy! A flag

crowning the tower—

needs no scaffolding

nor ropes nor hooks.


Turn round and round

my little soul,

not hiding, only deep …

Seek, look, speak,

encircle me in grace,

with your pure strength

guide me to the end

of my good fortune …


Untouched, the hours

crown me.

Translated by Clyde Moneyhun