Baħar Jgħum f’Għajnejk

Int dejjem trid tmur timxi fejn il-baħar,
minn kullimkien trid tara l-fond u l-blu;
tinsisti li trid togħla ’l fuq miċ-ċinta,
avolja kbirt u l-biża’ jafek hu.

Bil-ġebla f’idek trid tinħabb u tinki,
trid tara fejn se tinżel, daharha lejk.
Int trid titbaħbaħ bħalha f’baħar mibdi,
trid timxi msaħħar bl-ilma jgħum f’għajnejk.

Il-qamar ħadlu postu l-mewġ imriegħed,
il-bogħod, is-skiet m’għadhomx jikkuntentawk.
Hemm baħar sħiħ imċafċaf  tiela’ miegħek,
hemm ħoss ta’ ġebla u fond jitturmentawk.

Producción de Audio: Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 2010

Seas Swimming in Your Eyes

You always want to walk beside the sea,
observe the depths, the blue from everywhere
and you persist in jumping above the edge,
although you’re old enough to have known fear.

A lover wishing to tease, with stone in hand
you want to see where it will sink, after it flies.
You long like it to meet the sea’s beginning,
to walk enchanted with the sea in your eyes.

The tremulous water has now usurped the moon,
distance and silence no longer keep you content.
There’s an entire sea splashing its waves around you,
and now new depths and the swish of a stone torment.

Translated by Maria Grech Ganado